Sunday, June 19, 2005


Its June 19th 3 am 2005. Last night (a few hours ago) I received my Master of Ministry degree from Harvest Bible University in Los Angeles. I can't believe the support I had from my family and friends. You guys were there for me in a big way. I really appreciate your presence on this special day.

I'm definitely more encouraged to continue in the seeking after knowledge of God and His Truth. And to be more willing to teach it and spread it.

For several weeks during the last year, it had become a routine, and I wasn't really sure why I was doing what I was doing. All I knew is that I've been doing it for a long time, and couldn't think of anything else to do, so I might as well just keep doing it, never realizing that the whole while I was being shaped, and developed and stretched...

Now I'm humbled at how little I actually know, and how little I've actually accomplished...

The work never stops...

I was reminded that this is preparation for Kingdom work... Kingdom work... not just the accumulation of head knowledge or degrees or the seeking of recognition...

The ceremony reminded me to not lose sight of that.... to seriously think about the severity of the call of Christ... it's really all or nothing when it comes to God... we're either fully engaged in the battle or we're not...

I trust the He will help all of us to achieve His purposes and not lose sight of the goal...

Thank you everybody


under the red sky said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment. It sounds like the hard work has paid off.

Mrs Tellez said...

Congratulations again buddy!