We were all very proud when Eric Lobos became a Washington Husky.
And now... there's a new Husky in the family...
You guessed it. Joel just bought a pure-bred Siberian Husky.
That's him in the picture with Joel. It's still at the breeder's house, but Joel has been researching dog names in the mean time, and he has narrowed his choices down to three.
Please vote, and let him know which of these names you prefer:
1. Keno
2. Shadow
3. Toby
DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! This is important! Leave your comment, and vote!
(also, if you have any name suggestions, Joel would like to hear them)
and oh yeah, don't tell Omar about the Husky moving in!
His name should "KENOSHADOWTOBY, get over here!"
No, seriously Joel go for Toby or KENO (prefered name) but not Shadow.Shadow sounds like Storm from X MAN.
CONGRATS JOEL. I once had a pure breed husky - but it was white with one eye brown and one blue! it was a birthday gift and it was the cutest thing ever! ... well not ever but u get it. Any how i named it OZZY... after Ozzy from Black Sabath! hahaha my bro's idea. But i thought ozzy was a cool name. I say go for something more on the lines of an actual human name! Like Fred, Greg , Ezra, Josiah blah blah blah... i think that would be cute.
its like "hey have you met point dexter jr ... there he is tied up in our jungle ( back yard)"
point dexter, Rocco, Ozzy, Fred, John etc... ... my suggestions. :)
TOBY... :)
I like toby.
I say Toby =)
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